
V1.3.1 fullscreen-bg.css


This code snippet lets you make use of a fullscreen background.
This will automatically inherit simple-bg.css, bg-fix.css and shadowless-banner.css.



Screenshot - Preview

Before Before
After After


Quick Setup

Add @import url("https://anzuftnw.github.io/files/fullscreen-bg.css"); into the custom css box inside your app setting.

tutorial image

Then add the following code below it, change the options to your liking and press submit:

Some Help if needed.

/* settings */
:root {
  /* simple-bg settings */
  --bg-img: url("imglink");
  --bg-clr: unset;
  --bg-scr: fixed;
  --bg-pos: center;
  --bg-rpt: no-repeat;
  --bg-sze: cover;

  /* fullscren-bg settings */
  --fullscreen-bg: rgb(var(--color-background));
  --fullscreen-filter: none;
  --fullscreen-banner: visible; /* visible / hidden */
tutorial image


If you want more freedom and disable or modify some of the things this code snippet does you probably already know how to do so. Copy the contents of fullscreen-bg.css into your custom css box or a seperat file and get started.
